Sunday, February 14, 2010

Injured Again

Everything has come to a halt - I'm injured again.

A slip has pinched a nerve in my hip - now I'm down for the count. Don't know how I'm going to get anything done - can't stand, can't walk, can't carry anything.

Hopefully, I'll be back on the job in a week or so.


Jean Davis said...

Can you still type? If so, enjoy some writing time until you can get back on your feet. :)

K. A. Jordan said...

Too much pain to write - sitting up is misery for more than a couple of minutes.

It's the chores that bug me, too much left undone.

Jean Davis said...

Sorry to hear that. :( Hopefully some chore elves will help out and you're hip heals soon!

K. A. Jordan said...

After an exhausting day at the ER I'm on medication. The initial diagnosis is - drumroll - arthritis of the spine and a slightly compressed disk.

The best news is I finally got some sleep after four nights of misery. After 14 hours of sleep I'm okay.

Sitting is still misery and the laptop is too heavy - but I've got a lap desk with legs and will get back to serious writing soon.

Meanwhile there was a melt-down on Authonomy and I missed it. (AW, Shucks)

The Enthropy in Travel

Oh the pretty cabins! Pretty, pretty cabins! I'm gonna travel to a national forest and stay in a pretty cabin with all the fun things a ...